• The grand exterior of Raynham Hall

    Raynham Hall

    Raynham Hall is a wonderful 17th and 18th century house which is still in private ownership. The Marquess and Marchioness Townsend live there and this little character came out to greet us when we visited for a tour a couple of years ago. The interiors of the house were gorgeous and full of treasures but no internal photography was allowed. However, there is a wonderful book about it by Michael Ridgdill, if you would like to see…

  • Strawberry Hill

    Strawberry Hill

    This wonderful Georgian Gothic Revival villa has been on our list for a while, so we are delighted to be able to share it with you today. It was built for Horace Walpole (Earl of Orford) from 1749 and has the most amazing set of eccentric interiors which would be worthy of a film set. Even in his day they caused a sensation. The peer wanted to create a “little gothic castle” and he incorporated many design…

  • Nostell Bedside

    Bedside Manners

    One of the joys of visiting different historic houses and stately piles around the country is seeing how different owners or custodians style their interiors, exteriors and gardens. Our post today allows us to compare notes on just one small element of grand house style… Yes folks, it’s the turn of the BEDSIDE TABLE. Here are some nice examples of this small but essential piece of furniture all of which have been paired with a complimentary lamp.…

  • Interiors

    Interior Inspiration

    We’ve been working on a house renovation project for some time now and have had to focus on all the necessary but less exciting tasks: roof repairs, rotten beams, new windows, new boiler etc. But FINALLY, this year, we can make a start on the INTERIORS! Although this house is not a grand pile, we still love to take inspiration from the wonderful stately homes and country houses we have visited. For example: we adore the pink…

  • Heritage

    Barons Hall at Raby Castle

    There are a few historic homes that we come back to time and time again, Raby Castle is one such place. Having visited on a number of occasions, exploring both the wonderful grounds and splendid interiors, we often think what a wonderful place it must be to call home. Walking through the Baron’s Hall, you can’t help but think of the important English history that took place within the castle’s walls. From the birth of Cecily Neville…

  • Heritage

    Kedleston Hall

    The Saloon at Kedleston Hall, has an impressive domed Robert Adam ceiling, which was inspired by the architect’s visits to the Pantheon in Rome. The room was occasionally used for balls and has a wooden spring floor. Its main purpose, however, was simply to impress and fill the mind with ‘extensive thoughts’. Whilst the dome itself is ornate and intricate, the surrounding walls are calming with their muted palette and elegant neoclassical designs. Just imagine how wonderful…

  • Interiors

    A view with a room

    The month of January is named after Janus, the ancient Roman God of new beginnings, gates, transitions and doorways. So today we thought we would share a few of our favourite doorway views which lead through to special rooms. We love the way that this perspective frames the interior beyond giving a glimpse of what’s to come. Hope your year is off to a good start! Burghley House, Haddon Hall, Chillingham Castle, Blenheim, Montacute, Bolsover Castle, Hardwick…

  • Uncategorized

    Welcome to In the English Style

    Good Morning and a very warm welcome to ‘In the English Style’! If you have followed us recently we would like to say ‘Hello’ and ‘Thank You’ for joining us. We are a Mother/Daughter duo who enjoy sharing our passion for English architecture, interiors, history, art and antiques. We started this page a little over three years ago in the depths of the pandemic lockdowns in the UK. We missed being able to visit stately homes and…

  • Heritage

    The Old vs The New

    One of our goals at ITES is to celebrate English Style and usually this focuses on pre-20th century architecture, art and interiors. Why? Because we love it! But how do we all feel about more modern examples and in particular how they sit alongside our older heritage? Here are some examples of newer art, architecture, furniture, and even fashion sitting alongside more recognisable earlier English style. We’d love to know your thoughts. Surely English Style should continue…

  • Interiors

    Chase away the Monday Blues

    .. with our quick quiz, designed to test your knowledge of English interiors on a blue theme. How many of the locations of these historic interiors can you identify? They have all been featured on our Instagram page in the past.