• Art

    Beckford’s Tower

    If you drive into Bath along the Lansdown Road you will pass Beckford’s Tower on the right. This extraordinary architectural folly was built in 1827 in the neoclassical style on Lansdown Hill. It was financed by an eccentric, wealthy local resident, William Beckford. He was an art collector, novelist, art collector and critic. He used the tower as a retreat and library, with the cupola at the top providing views over the surrounding countryside. However, as was…

  • Studley Royal Grounds

    A moment of reflection

    It’s the last day of January and already there is a feeling that Spring is on the way. The evenings are a little bit lighter and give us hope when too much of what is happening in the world at the moment is so dark. The snowdrops are coming up in the garden and the song thrush is singing it’s early song in the orchard. Nature always finds a way to recover and so must we. We…