In the English Style Awards 2025
We are excited to launch our first annual awards and during March/April 2025 we will be sharing details of the shortlists for a number of categories on our Instagram account @intheenglishstyle.We are asking our audience to vote for their favourite in each category. If you would like to take part, please look through the shortlists @intheenglishstyle and vote by simply stating the name of the property you have chosen in the comments for that post. Our 2025…
Possibly the most cultured woman in Europe
Trail blazers do not always come from the most likely beginnings. The daughter of middle-class, Swiss parents, Angelica Kauffman came from an unremarkable background but she was a child prodigy. In her early years, her talent for painting was matched by her singing voice and she had to make a choice between the two careers. She chose art and by the time she was nine was supporting her parents. They travelled widely, spending time in Italy and…
Raynham Hall
Raynham Hall is a wonderful 17th and 18th century house which is still in private ownership. The Marquess and Marchioness Townsend live there and this little character came out to greet us when we visited for a tour a couple of years ago. The interiors of the house were gorgeous and full of treasures but no internal photography was allowed. However, there is a wonderful book about it by Michael Ridgdill, if you would like to see…
Welcome to In the English Style
Good Morning and a very warm welcome to ‘In the English Style’! If you have followed us recently we would like to say ‘Hello’ and ‘Thank You’ for joining us. We are a Mother/Daughter duo who enjoy sharing our passion for English architecture, interiors, history, art and antiques. We started this page a little over three years ago in the depths of the pandemic lockdowns in the UK. We missed being able to visit stately homes and…